Parental Leave Consultation for Private Practice Therapists


For therapists who are pregnant or CONSIDERING getting pregnant …

You’ve worked hard to hone your skills, start your practice, and build up your referral network. Now a tiny baby may be in your future! You figured out which crib you want to order, but you’re not sure how to move forward as a busines-owner.

You’ve reached out to colleagues who had babies recently and asked if you can “pick their brain” about their maternity leave. However, they’re not really getting back to you very enthusiastically… It makes sense - they are too sleep-deprived, bleary-eyed, or going through round after round of daycare-acquired illness to have the bandwidth to sit down with anyone for a chat.

So, how do figure out how to balance your “business baby” with having an actual human baby!?!?!? Is it even possible??

Yes - It is! I’ve gone on two maternity leaves, and re-built my practice after each one. AND I’m getting enough sleep now to be at least …mostly coherent! Wherever you are in the process, I’m happy to provide guidance, accountability, templates, and just some good old commiseration about how hard and wonderful it all is!

Click here to Hear Rose’s 30-min “Coffee Chat on Parental Leave” (coming soon).

Parental Leave Consultation - $165 / hour.

(And remember, it’s deductible as a business expense!)

Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash